Friday 3 June 2016

General: T-72 SHYGYS at KADEX 2016

The new Shygys upgrade package for T-72 main battle tank from Aselsan and Kazakhstan.
The Turkish Company Aselsan in collaboration with Kazakh Defense Company presents the modernization kit "SHYGYS" for old soviet-made main battle tank T-72. This upgrade improves all three areas of main battle tank performance: firepower, mobility and protection.
The Turkish Company Aselsan in collaboration with Kazakh Defense Company presents the modernization kit "SHYGYS" for old soviet-made main battle tank T-72. This upgrade improves all three areas of main battle tank performance: firepower, mobility and protection.Soviet-made T-72 with Shygys upgrade package at KADEX 2016, Kazakhstan Defense Exhibition in Astana.
With an additional weight of only 1,000 kg, the upgraded T-72 has new powerpack developing 840 hp, new day/night capacities for the gunner with new thermal imaging and optic channels. The tanks is also fitted with ballistic computer which increase the effective firing range from 1,800 to 2,500m.
The front and the top of the turret is protected with a new armour kit to provide protection against the new threats of modern anti-tank guided missile. Each side of the hull is also fitted with new armour including wire cage armour at the rear.
At the rear right side of the turret, there is a new Aselsan remote weapon station armed with one NSV 12.7mm heavy machine gun originally mounted at the top hatch of the tank commander.

The main armament is similar to the standard T-72 which consists of one 125 mm (2A46) smoothbore gun fitted with a light-alloy thermal sleeve and a bore evacuator . A 7.62 mm PKT machine gun is mounted coaxially to the right of the main armament and has 250 rounds of ready use ammunition.
The T-72 "SHYGYS" includes new accessories as satellite navigation system, new VHF/FM Aselsan radio, and video surveillance system for the driver with cameras at the front and the rear of the tank.
The Turkish Company Aselsan in collaboration with Kazakh Defense Company presents the modernization kit "SHYGYS" for old soviet-made main battle tank T-72. This upgrade improves all three areas of main battle tank performance: firepower, mobility and protection.

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